Wednesday, May 12, 2010


So after our interesting experiment about our personality, I was diagnosed to fall under the C category of conscientious. I honestly believe, after reading the actual description of the word, the test nailed it.
I remembered that when I was in elementary school, we would receive in-depth report cards every quarter. Our teacher would write a good paragraph about their idea of our behavior and scholastic work ethic. I would always get the word of conscientious throughout elementary school. "Student possesses strong eagerness and high understanding of the course work, and is conscientious toward peers." (pretty much all my teacher k-5)

I do believe that it is crucial to learn the personalities of people around you. Whether it be your co-workers or fellow students, it is pretty much vital to know their management styles and where they are coming from. For instance, if I look at a previous employer and their style of management, I could definitely see what category they would fall under. Most tend to be dominant and usually want to have the control in their hands directly. I am perfectly fine with being the "C" type, but wouldn't mind D either. I think that some type of combination of both is highly desirable. You can be great to your peers/coworkers, while still handling the major duties that only a manager can do. Indeed, everyone has their own personality and style of management, and one should definitely get to see their personal diagnosis.


  1. I also think the test hit the spot with you because after spending the semester working with you, I can see that you are more people/relationship focused and you always stayed on everyone's good side and never argued much.

  2. i agree with the above comment^ and feel that the test diagnosed you correctly. Through out this semester, whenever we had group activities, I never really heard any negativity from you. You worked well with everyone in the group, even though we all had different personalities. Also you seem like someone who would follow the rules and do quality work, which fits the C type.
