Sunday, March 14, 2010

Planning Out The Egg

Planning is definitely an intricate part of the management process. Along with organizing, leading and controlling, planning helps set objectives in obtaining our ultimate goal.

Our group definitely had some great ideas about how to go about our proposed plan, but perhaps we weren't on the same page. The first step about the planning process involves defining goals and objectives. I think this is where we already started to slip as a group. Having numerous ideas is part of the plan, but of course there is a time limit. In a project like this, time is of the essence. Rushing through any part of it will almost certainly lead to some sort of disaster.

The resources that we could have used were, for the most part, sufficient. Perhaps the tape could have been more sticky, but I think that we missed the "thinking outside of the box" part of our project.

As for developing alternative strategies, we really didn't have enough time. I think this stage in the plannig process is surely essential, but only if you have the time. We definitely ended up with a tactical plan (step 4), but it wasn't the right one after step 5. This being the last step, having the egg crack was our signal for the wrong approach to the project.

In conclusion, the planning process is vital for all propositions. This was a prime example which called for necessary planning. Ultimately, our lack of creativity is what got the best of us. If this was one of our main objectives, then our outcome most definitely would have been different.


  1. We were in the same group and I think we didn't really have a plan on how to make the egg protector and that's why we failed. I partly agree about the time, I feel as though time was sufficient but we did not use it efficiently because we did not really have a plan, we just knew how our final product will look, not how we're getting there. All in all I felt that our group was very comfortable with each other and I had a pleasure working on this assignment.

  2. Our group also missed "thinking outside the box." Instead, most groups came up with the most complicated designs. All we had to do was look at the objective from a different perspective.

  3. Thanks for the comment, Yea, it was a tough project he gave us. I think we were just lucky to have enough straws and tape to go around. I think our egg would've cracked if it was a foot above ground.

  4. I agree with you on that it is vital to have a plan in order to get everyone on the same page. Without a plan, it can be difficult to accomplish certain things, especially among a group of people where everyone has something to say.

  5. I agree with you that a strong leading is essential part of the management. it is really hard for group of people to come to a conclusion when there are lots of different ideas. Moreover when time is an issue it is really important for group to gather thoughts and pursuit the goal.

  6. Yes, planning, coordination, creativity, resources, experimentation, timing and having back-up plans were all integral parts of this project! Although we were in different groups, but our major problem was similar: we were weak in developing alternative strategies, resources and time, but we did plan and coordinate well.

  7. Our group had some good ideas, however, we had no set plan. I believe the major reason we failed is because of the resources and time. If we had a little more of both we would of probably succeeded in having the egg drop safely.
